I have created some laravel packages which may be useful to perform some actions. If you starting a new project, you can use these. You will find proper instructions or steps to use these. Some of then are listed below, for more, visit my GitHub account. You can also see some Gists for some snippets, may be you will find something useful.
Adash is a admin panel package made for laravel on top of Laravel Breeze. It is a very simple setup for a quick start, with a separate admin panel having user, roles & permissions, posts, pages, faqs and testimonials management.
An extension for blog post management to be used along with takshak/adash package. Get your blog ready in just couple of minutes, installing & following some simple steps.
An extension for sliders to be used along with takshak/adash package. Slider will use owl.carousel.js for sliding contents or images.
Can be used for log / record user activity via middleware or by custom code. It has a route middleware Alogger::class and has view components to view logs lists and details in admin / user panel.
This package gives you three different tools, which are useful to fake, seed, generate placeholders and manipulate images.
This package has HTML, CSS and some lines of JS and can be used to display notifications / alerts in frontend. This will work without any css frameworks like: Bootstrap, Materialize, etc.